This past summer I had the opportunity to work at two Bocal Majority Operation O.B.O.E. camps. I was able to help teach sectionals, small ensembles and reed making. Not only did I get great teaching experience, I met so many musicians to help me grow in many aspects. These camps provide an outlet for so many young double reed players to grow, which is not offered at other places. For someone who is majoring in music, this camp is great for gaining experience, plus the students and faulty are great to work with too!
Raven Hood - College Student in Music at the University of Houston

The camp intern program is absolutely wonderful for students who want to have a fun time at a double reed camp, to learn how to teach other players of their respective instruments, and to continue to improve their own skills as an instrumentalist and musician. The program is an intellectual investment in yourself because of the opportunities to learn so much from both the faculty members you work so closely with as well as the students you teach.
Joshua Cohen - College Student at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX

Students of all ages love the reed-making. It is incredible to see the enthusiasm that ensues after being a part of a reed-making class. Students keep asking when we can make reeds together again — all year! I would have never been able to get my students to try reed-making on my own. Even the most outgoing and the most shy students each find ways to have a great time at camp. I’ve never seen a mean spirit there. All the kids are supportive of each other, which is encouraging to all the participants and not always present at summer camps. Students like to meet students from other schools. Some form lasting friendships with other double reed players they meet at BMOO and continue being supportive of each other even while competing against each other at auditions. It’s neat to see young oboists encouraging each other at region band auditions, and I think a lot of the students feel better auditioning when they have friends in the room.
Sarah Bates-Kennard - Oboe Private Lesson Teacher & Graduate Student at Arizona State University

“I am so thankful for the time I spent as a camp intern at Bocal Majority. The camp is fast paced and exciting and something I look forward to each summer. The experience allowed me to gain teaching experience and connect and perform with so many other double reed teachers and performers. I would highly recommend the CI program to any aspiring teacher or performer!
Paige Liccioni - Recent graduate of Louisiana State University, Bachelors Degree in Music Education ’14

This camp is phenomenal! I have had dozens of students attend in the past and have never had one say they didn’t like it. All of my students have made improvements by going to the camp and learned a lot. Would definitely recommend this to anyone thinking about going.
Andrew Wojciechowski - Private Bassoon Lesson Teacher, Frisco, Texas

I have had the privilege of working with students at the Bocal Majority and Operation Oboe camps. Aspiring to be a future music educator, I was very enthused to be presented with the opportunity to work hands on with students on their reeds, present extended technique topics, and teach and conduct my own small ensemble. I was able to really connect with my students and colleagues which created a positive learning environment for both the campers and teachers. Whether you’re a camp student, intern or staff member the camp creates an excellent atmosphere for learning. Bocal majority was an awesome experience as a camp intern and I would recommend participating in camps to anyone who will become a future educator!
Madison Goad - College Student in Music Education at Oklahoma State University

Bocal Majority/Operation O.B.O.E. is an exceptional and invaluable opportunity for young double reed players to deepen their understanding of their instruments and reeds and to engage in musical teamwork and problem-solving, all while having oodles of fun! Double-reed instruments are the most finicky instruments and often, the most difficult to play – BMOO’s programs work to increase the students’ specialized knowledge, skills, and confidence in ways that are inaccessible during the school year. My private oboe students who have attended BMOO have consistently returned the next school year with a characteristic increase in enthusiasm and motivation for playing oboe, and I would highly recommend the program to any middle or high school oboist or bassoonist!”
Lindsey Reymore - Private Oboe Lesson Teacher, Nashville, TN

I have had the great pleasure of working with the BMOO camps for the past several years in various capacities, and am continually impressed with the commitment to a high level of excellence from everyone involved in the organization. As a result, the campers are not only provided an invaluable opportunity to receive quality instruction from talented, caring professionals in the field, but also are surrounded by like-minded peers who foster a positive community atmosphere that inspires growth in each budding musician.
Dr. Nathan Koch - Professor of Bassoon, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

The Bocal Majority/ Operation O.B.O.E camps have given my double reed students inspiration to propel their understanding and desire to be better players and students of the art form. I have seen these students advance in the all region process further and enhance my contest scores by added a mature double reed sound to my ensembles.
Jesse Woolery - Associate Director of Bands, Denton High School, Denton, TX

Attending Bocal Majority and the ADRIT program has exposed me to wonderful college professors and great bassoon friends from all over the country! Going to camp is a wonderful way to play fun double reed music and to push yourself to become a better musician!
Megan Darlington - Age 17, Student at Performing and Visual Arts High School in Dallas, TX
My oboe students started attending the camps in 2009 – because of the excellent promotion of Bocal Majority, our band leaders knew of and recommended the camps as a support system for double reed kiddos otherwise left to their own devices (due to small numbers in woodwind sections and limited time for their teachers). Bocal Majority offers extensive reed, ensemble and solo training in a relaxed but organized environment. In other words, it is FUN and worthwhile in this way: the kiddos learn what double reed players do. My attendees benefit in many ways and feel part of a community of players and teachers from our generation to theirs. Bocal Majority / Operation O.B.O.E. contributes to this feeling of inclusiveness. I can only say that.
Karen Victor - Executive Director of ARIOSO Chamber Ensemble and oboe private lesson teacher, Granbury, TX

Bocal Majority/Operation O.B.O.E. Camps and Master Classes offer young players the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fundamentals of double-reed performance. The focus on a supportive, non-competitive environment truly defines the Bocal Majority/Operation O.B.O.E. organization. Chamber music and divided reed making sessions assure each individual is challenged at their ability level, but large group activities and master classes promote a diverse and engaging synergy across ages and abilities.”
Dr. Christin Schillinger - Fox Artist & Associate Professor, Miami University (OH)
My daughter will be attending Operation O.B.O.E. camp for the sixth year! She has made friendships that she treasures. She is able to study with top professional oboists from around the country. Each year she has expanded her skill set and grown as a musician. The teachers challenged her to improve and kept her excited about playing. She also has enjoyed learning how to make reeds. She is looking forward to her camp this summer.
Deanna Peters - parent of 17-year-old oboist, from Denton, TX (and a music educator)